Transport Insurance

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Transport Insurance


With DB Cargo Full Load Solutions you have decided in favor of a logistics partner who offers you a network of competent agents capable of fulfilling the high quality demands.

Despite the most careful selection of the logistics providers, damage, loss and other events may occur during transport, which prevent sound delivery of the goods. The forwarding agent is not liable for all damages and then only to a limited amount so that you may experience a financial disadvantage in case of damage, which you may have to bear yourself although it is not your fault. To safeguard oneself in the best possible manner against the consequences of damage events we recommend insuring your shipment with the DB Cargo Full Load Solutions goods transport insurance.

You can find more information about the DB Cargo Full Load Solutions goods transport insurance here

The DB Cargo Full Load Solutions goods transport insurance - DB Cargo Full Load Solutions works on the basis of the General German Forwarding Terms & Conditions (ADSp), which also regulate liability.

The liability conditions provide that the forwarding agent is not liable, amongst other things, for inevitable events. This means that if your goods are damaged, for example, as a result of a traffic accident, you may not be entitled to any damage claim at all in the case of doubt. The liability clause also regulates that the forwarding agent is liable in accordance with the liability provisions of the causer of the accident. So that you can claim your damages you may have to be satisfied with the liability of the warehouse keeper in Madrid or the port transhipment operations in Singapore in the case of damage, so that your damages will really only be settled inadequately. Numerous service providers are needed to execute a transport, all of whom have their own liability base. The choice of service provider by the forwarding agent (Die Auswahl des Spediteurs auf die Dienstleister) is, in part only limited, resp. excluded.  Damage can be caused by the parties involved both through the physical and the documentary handling of your goods.  Your damage claim will then be limited to the liability conditions of the respective causer of the damage.

  • Transport carriers / haulage contractors (truck, railway, inland vessel, ship, aircraft) as well as their vicarious agents
  • Transhipment and stevedoring operations at the point of departure, at transhipment points, airports and seaports, as well as the destination point.
  • Customs authorities and other authorities of the state

The claimant is liable for the enforcement of damage claims and has to provide detailed evidence of his claim. This effort costs you your work, time and money!

DB Cargo Full Load Solutions – Your advantages with a goods transport insurance

Door-to-door insurance cover. Regardless of who is responsible for the damage and regardless of where the damage occurs, the goods transport insurance offers you a continuous insurance cover for the full duration of the transport from pick-up to delivery at its final destination.

Insurance solutions especially tailored to your goods. Different groups of goods are subject to different risk factors. The DB Cargo Full Load Solutions goods transport insurance offers you the option of receiving insurance cover which is specially tailored to the properties of your goods and the risks of the respective journey.

Worldwide network of experts for goods damage and transport insurances. Regardless of where the damage occurs DB Cargo Full Load Solutions can offer you local assistance worldwide from independent experts who are conversant with the treatment of goods damage and your transport insurance and, in the event of damages, provide you and your clients with the best possible and free-of-charge advice and support for processing the claim.

Only one cause of action for the whole transport. This ensures that your goods are subject to the agreed insurance cover at all times and that you are entitled to the compensation claim that you have agreed in your insurance contract.

Insurance of consequential damages and straight forward financial losses. The DB Cargo Full Load Solutions goods transport insurance allows you to insure costs beyond the straight out goods damage, which you or your customers incur through the damage event.

Fixed premium. By determining the transport insurance premium prior to the transport your costs can be calculated simply and clearly as a constant. All transport risks are passed on to third parties so that you are safe from a negative influence on the business success.

All risk cover. The goods transport insurance provides the option of an all risk cover. Your shipment will be insured in the event of damages, no matter what the cause of the damage.

A competent contact partner in the event of damages. In the event of damages your local insurance partner will be at your disposal as an experienced and competent contact partner so that processing the damages will be an uncomplicated issue, no matter what the travel route or place where the damage occurred.

Transfer of risk to competent insurers. The selection of exclusively credit rated and experienced insurers ensures that – independent of the amount of damage which has occurred – your damage claims will be paid out in full.